
Showing posts from November, 2021

Pursuing Pear Trees and Bees

Throughout the story their eyes were watching god,  Janie Crawford pursues a unique idea of love through romantic relationships, which mostly turn for the worse. Janie first creates her own idea of love while watching a bee polinate a blossoming pear tree. The perfect mutual relationship she witnesses inspires her to pursue similar relationships with others. However, her journey has a rough start, Nanny, her grandmother, forces Janie to marry Logan Killicks, a man who has almost no attractive attributes, except for his financial stability. Logan Killicks is abusive to Janie, and mainly uses her for labor on the farm. He has no sense of humor and is mostly cold hearted. It is impossible for Janie to feel any attraction to him. He does not even seem to clean himself well. In every way this relationship does not meet Janie's expectations for love. It is a one sided relationship, where Janie seems to be on the giving end of, causing her to feel used. One day Janie meets a man named Joe