
Showing posts from December, 2021

Sethe's Strength

The book Beloved has some of the most impressive characters in all of literature. Sethe being one of the most powerful and mentally strong characters in the book, is at the top of the list. She has endured so much trauma, but pushes on with strong determination. Despite making the decision that most could not, her morality and character are judged by many other characters in the book. While it might not be possible to truly justify the decision that Sethe made, it clearly shows how driven she is by her love for her children.  Sethe is willing to do anything for her children, and pushes through several traumatic events. She had escaped slavery after being violated then whipped, and while still injured, so she could get her milk to her babies. Sethe is even forced through the worst situation of her life where she has to try to kill her children. However, many other characters are frightened by the determination that Sethe has. Of course none of us could truly imagine what it would be lik